About us
Agudat Achim - the Association of the America Jerusalem Brotherhood
Agudas Achim was founded by American Jews in 1898, with the goal of creating a system of mutual aid and helping its members in various fields.
The members built themselves a small and separate neighborhood that includes thirteen apartments and a beautiful synagogue. A special gemach (free loan society) was also founded in the synagogue.

One of the prominent areas in which the Agudah operated independently was the acquisition of burial plots on Har Hazeisim (Mount of Olives). The Agudah established its own special chevrah kadisha (burial society) to preserve their own burial customs >>>
Agudat Achim – the Association of the America Jerusalem Brotherhood
One of the prominent areas in which the Agudah operated independently was the acquisition of burial plots on Har Hazeisim (Mount of Olives). The Agudah established its own special chevrah kadisha (burial society) to preserve their own burial customs>>>

Agudat Achim – the Association of the America Jerusalem Brotherhood
Reshit Khokhma St 8 Jerusalem 9551715 ISRAEL
Tel: 972-2-9400840