Learning mishnayos
עמוד הבית » The cemetery » Learning mishnayos
Learning mishnayos for elevation of the soul of the deceased
It is brought down in the holy books that learning mishnayos for the elevation of the soul of the deceased brings the person great spiritual joy. If there is no one available to learn mishnayos for the elevation of the deceased person’s soul, it is good to ask a Torah scholar to learn for the elevation of his soul.

It says in the Babylonian Talmud, Tractate Brachot 5b “a prisoner cannot free himself from prison” – meaning a person cannot correct his deeds after his death, and therefore learning mishnayos in this world brings great benefit to the deceased.
Before learning the mishnayos for the elevation of the soul, a person should say the name of the deceased and that of his mother, and declare that this study is dedicated to the elevation of his soul.
If there is no one who can learn mishnayos for the elevation of your loved one’s soul, for a donation of 280$, Agudas Achim Anshei America Yerushalayim will send Torah scholars to say mishnayos for the elevation of his soul on the anniversary of his death (yartzheit).
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