Commemoration through Torah study
עמוד הבית » Leiluy Nishmat » Commemoration through Torah study
Commemoration through Torah study
It is written in the holy Zohar that the greatest pleasure the deceased can be given is by Torah study. This is the greatest possible benefit to the soul. Spiritual commemoration which, in the World of Truth, raises the deceased to a higher level. By studying Torah to elevate the soul, we perform eternal kindness to his soul and the merit of the Torah study elevates him and benefits his soul in the World to Come.

At Agudas Achim Anshei America Yerushalayim, the commemoration and Torah study for his soul on the yartzheit [anniversary of the person’s death] is performed by important and G-d fearing Torah scholars in our kollel, who study Torah all that day with a light meal and blessings for the elevation of his soul.
Likewise, an option exists for an annual commemoration to elevate the soul by supporting a Torah scholar for a year.
If you wish to commemorate your loved one through Torah study for an entire day, please contact us, and for a donation of 570$, G-d fearing Torah scholars will devote their kollel learning for the elevation of his soul
during the entire day on the yartzheit.
Likewise, an option exists for a 55$ donation, to add a light meal and blessings to elevate the soul of the deceased.
Commemorating the deceased with a synagogue plaque The deceased’s name can be permanently commemorated on the synagogue memorial board, thus his name is permanently displayed and his memory preserved.
At Agudas Achim Anshei America Yerushalayim, the deceased’s name can be permanently displayed on the synagogue memorial board, or on a plaque with a permanent memorial of his name, by donating to the synagogue. For details, please contact us at telephone: ++972-2-9400840 or via the form here on the website.
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